JUST DIAL 10-10-719

10-10-719 Long Distance

10-10-719 Long Distance


It's easy! Just dial 10-10-719 for immediate savings!

  • Dial 10-10-719 before all your international & domestic calls and save
  • Crystal-clear call quality on your phone right now
  • Call family and friends with the same low rates all day, every day!
  • No monthly fee
  • No need to switch your long-distance company, calls will appear on your local phone bill
  • Easy, Reliable and Affordable

10-10-719 is the fastest and easiest way to call family & friends in the U.S. and around the world! Anyone can use it anytime, from any home phone! You'll get the same low rates day or night. And best of all, you don't need to sign up, register, or change your long distance provider. No commitment required – just dial 10-10-719 before every domestic or international call. It's really that easy! Calls will be billed on your local telephone bill.

Startec's 10-10-719 service offers low rates, crystal-clear connections and excellent service over Startec's world-class network.

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